Robin Sanford, LE

"Julie transformed my understanding of esthetics, shot my confidence through the roof and changed the trajectory of my entire career!"
"Julie transformed my understanding of esthetics, shot my confidence through the roof and changed the trajectory of my entire career!"

Get My FREE Video Training

How to Transform Your Esthetics Career in 3 Simple Steps


Are you struggling to create the super successful career you really want? I totally get it—Because after years of failure and frustration, I almost gave up on skin care entirely.

But then I learned how to quickly achieve the kind of professional impact and income I always dreamed about.

Inside this free training I'm going to show you EXACTLY how I did it, step by step, so you can get the same amazing results!

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Get My FREE Video Training

How to Transform Your Esthetics Career in 3 Simple Steps


Are you struggling to create the super successful career you really want? I totally get it—Because after years of failure and frustration, I almost gave up on skin care entirely.

But then I learned how to quickly achieve the kind of professional impact and income I always dreamed about.

Inside this free training I'm going to show you EXACTLY how I did it, step by step, so you can get the same amazing results! 

Click the button to get instant access!

"Julie transformed my understanding of esthetics, shot my confidence through the roof and changed the trajectory of my entire career!"
– Robin Sanford, LE

What you'll discover in this free training


How to turn clients into reliable, long-term streams of revenue and referrals

The proven approach to instantly earn your clients' trust and respect every time, so that you build high value, transactional relationships that set you up for massive success!


How to sell a TON more services and retail like a Rockstar

The ONE subject you have to master in order to get people to happily reach for their wallets, without being the least bit pushy or awkward.


How to stand out from the competition and become the go-to expert in your community

The ONE change that instantly gives you the ability to raise your prices, attract more clients and charge what you're really worth (believe me, they'll be happy to pay you for this)!

Hello! My name is Julie.

Let me ask you about yourself, and then I’ll tell you why I know I can help you.

Is This You?

  • You love helping people with their skin care needs, and you want to attract more clients and earn more money… 
  • ​But you don't know how to make it happen.
  • You want to be more confident in your treatment plans and to know which exact products and ingredients to use for various skin types and conditions… 
  • ​But you're lacking guidance and support.
  • You want to improve your skills and increase your professional value… 
  • ​But your time is limited and you want an easier, faster way.

I've Been There.

When I graduated from esthetics school, I opened my own day spa with sky-high expectations. But after a short time I realized...

Something was wrong. My clients were only getting average results and I wasn't selling enough products or services to support myself and my two children. 😕

But I didn't quit. Over the next few years I spent my time learning only from people who had already achieved what I wanted for myself...
Fast forward to today — I have a huge tribe of happy, glowing clients and multiple streams of reliable six-figure income.

And I want the same for you. That's why I've created this FREE training video—to help you find the confidence and guidance you need to create the business or career you really want for yourself! 🚀
Fast forward to today — I have a huge tribe of happy, glowing clients and multiple streams of reliable six-figure income.

And I want the same for you. That's why I've created this FREE training video—to help you find the confidence and guidance you need to create the business or career you really want for yourself! 🚀
- Julie Resce, LE, Founder
- Julie Resce, LE, Founder
The Six-Figure Esthetician Virtual Courses 
The Six-Figure Esthetician Virtual Courses 


Daneesha Bell, LE

"Julie's secrets have furthered my career more than anything I learned in Esthetics School!"

Click the button to get instant access >>>


"Julie's secrets have furthered my career more than anything I learned in Esthetics School!"
– Daneesha Bell, LE

Click the button to get instant access!

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